Over the summer holidays Real Men Don't Carry Knives delivered a week long knife crime awarness football festival to around 100 young people and over 30 young adults. As part of this week Trauma Surgeon Nikhil Misra and his team came in to deliver training on the new life saver packs and how to use them. This was ground breaking work for Liverpool, sessions like this had never been offered to the young people in the city.
The techniques of Bleeding control were taught, and the participants then had the opportunity to practise these techniques on the life size training mannequins the KnifeSavers team had brought, with successful results.
At the end of the day, dozens of young people had been given the knowledge, skills and confidence to control bleeding from knife wounds, that they did not have at the start of the day.
At the end of the sessions we spent time talking to young people to gain some feedback and had a very positive response:
"Brilliant, I thought all doctors were snobby but they were sound"
"I would hate to have to do what they showed us but at least I know"